Born at 1987 at Subcarpathia, Poland. Student of journalism and social communication at the School of Information Technology and Management in Rzeszow. First degree diploma – War photography – war study, punctum photography. Devotee of structures, curves, uprights and levels in the landscape. In the art and compositions previews the best, derives the patterns, though not repeated. Advocate for monochrome works, thus avoiding the ups and downs of color expression. With passion, fondness, and adoration, he leaves and misses the old part of Europe, the Balkans, and the beginning of her uprising. In places of cultural and language confusion. It has had a decade of photographic creativity, classic analogue beginnings, to the good of digitization. In the need of documentation of unique “endemic” places while at the same time fearing a dynamically changing landscape, he start a multi-year project “Europe in Silence”, which included a cross-section of landscape photography from all over Europe.
Many times awarded and honored in the most important competitions of international and national rank, among others: Monovisions Photography Awards, Monochrome Awards, Neutral Density Awards, Discover Europe, International Photographer of the Year, Portrait 2016 (PL), Carpathian Faces (PL). His photographs were published in magazines in Poland and abroad, also in the catalog of Landscapes of the World 2016 (FIAP). In June 2016 was hailed as the „Inspiration” of Nikon’s magazine, „Wide Frame” (PL).
Scholarship holder of the Minister of Science and Higher Education for outstanding achievements in science and art (photography).
Polskie Radio Rzeszów – Parcela M11 – fotoreportaż Marcina Walko
DODHO Magazine – Europe in Silence by Marcin Walko (english)
DODHO Magazine – Parcela M11 by Marcin Walko (english)
Fotopolis – Marcin Walko – „Parcela M11” (polish)
Szeroki Kadr – Inspiracje – Marcin Walko (polish)
Fotograf z Niska jako jedyny polak na przejmującej wyprawie w Srebrenicy
Fotoblogia – Marcin Walko (polish)
Fotopolis – Europa w Ciszy czyli podróż po intymnych zakątkach starego kontynentu (polish)
Gazeta Wyborcza – Międzynarodowy sukces fotografów z podkarpacia
Polacy nagrodzeni wśród mistrzów fotografii czarno-białej
Gazeta Wyborcza – Student z Rzeszowa nagrodzony w konkursie fotograficznym Discover Europe 2017
Grono Polaków nagrodzonych w konkursie MonoVisions Photography Awards 2017
Shangri-La (podcast) (polish)
TVP3 Rzeszów – Poznajcie świat fotografii Marcina Walko – laureata międzynarodowego konkursu Monochrome Photography Awards (video)